Friday, December 16, 2011

I am getting my permit Wednesday and was wondering what car I should get.?

1) BMW 650i Convertible -- $85,000 --鈥?/a>

2)Mercedes CLS550 -- $74,000 --鈥?/a>

3)Range Rover HSE -- $79,865 --鈥?/a>

Thanks :)|||Im not gona lie if money is no issue for you then go with the BMW its a nice car.|||If you're that rich and your parents want you safe, have them get you a chauffeur and bodyguard. Otherwise, I'd save them some money, get you a Chevy, and make you less of a kidnapping victim until you master the art of driving safely.|||Try a real fast motorcycle, helmet optional.|||Are you for real or just a BS er.|||3) def, and i wish that i had parents with the money urs have....

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