Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sweet 17??

Okay, I know it's suppose to be Sweet 16 but, my parents and I decided to let it be a Sweet 17 because then I could actually drive the car I get right away.

I put this in this section because this section draws the most crowd and I am a Adolecents myself! : )

I have slimmed down the car choices to 3 cars.

My parents say they are willing to get me any of them but, of course only one. Here are the choices:

Lexus SC 08 convertible.

Mercury Metallic. $65,455

Mercedes-Benz SL600 Roadster 08

$133,975 - Black : )

BMW 650i Conv.

Please don't be rude. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is too.

I mean what car do you think is the best and that would suit a girl who is about to be a senior in High School.

I really love all of them, I just need other opinions.

EASY 10 pts. I'm really not trying to be mean trust me.

Love ya'll. Bye!|||Great God Almighty! With choices like these, why do you even care? Any one of these cars would rock! Print out a picture of each car, tape them to your garage wall, grab a dart, throw it, and whichever one the dart lands on is your car! Whatever you do, do not take it for granted. Your parents have worked hard to get your family where it is today. Be sure to thank them profusely!|||damn, im almost 18 with a license for a year and no car..i cant afford even a $10,000 car. Im not looking at ur pics cuz i will be way too jealous...i have to ride the damn school bus an hour both ways. i would say get the cheapest of those and use the rest of the money to get me a piece of junk lol.

p.s. i read in People magazine that a teen was driving a super expensive car like urs, and some guys followed her to her house. they saw how great her house was and decided to rob and kill the family in the middle of the night. i would suggest keeping that in mind.|||I'd feel guilty for wrecking a $133k car.|||i love the mercedes roadster=)|||I think the lexus is my fave, and the mercedez benz was close behind... didnt like the last one...|||Why don't you let your parents decide because they're the ones paying! I could say some rude ugly things about spoiled brats not having to work or earn the things they're handed... and who cares what your parents do, my mom could afford to buy me a nice car as well-- thats not the point! But I think it would be jealousy talking. Cause seriously if my parents said hey you want a beamer? I'd probably say Hellllllz yea.... lol So Tell your parents you'll take whatever they want to give you because you a re such a grateful thankful child.

Oo, and this ones pretty ;-)鈥?/a>|||BMW 650i Conv. in black - beautiful! Congrats, I definitely think you should go with the BMW.|||okay... I'm going to tell you to get the Benz because you are a girl. The Lexus is too small (can't fit your friends in it) and the BMW doesn't look as nice as the Benz...

be careful driving ..

I skipped over the "spoiled brat" comments... cause you don't really need that.... I am sure if I was 17 right now with two surgeon parents... this would be my greatest dilemma too!!|||i love the second one,very cute.:]

but the way the first is shaped like the top

thats pretty nice too

i think i like the second one the best

happy birthday!

have fun!

hope you get the car you want!|||the lexus is hot and the 1st bmw is too you pick!|||god you must be so ******* rich!!!

my mates say I'm spoiled...look at you if your parents are buying you it!!!!|||My grandparents bought me a older Jeep when i turned 17 (considerably less expensive, and i wanted a project car), and in my opinion no 17 year old needs a $100,000 car, but since you want an answer, id go with the BMW, the styleing is great, the reliability is great and the engineering is the best (trust me im a big car enthusiast)

Now then if I was to recommends a car that isnt on that list, I can tell that you want expensive but for your own saftey i woudl reccomend some sort of SUV, a Jeep Commander per say, its luxury but not to the point of being a jacked up luxury car and it can literally drive away from any accedent.

If you want some more help with cars I think i have contact info in my profile.|||you can find your answer here . i found it when use google.

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