Friday, December 16, 2011

What do you think about Mercedes-Benz and BMWs?

Mostly every person says that mercedes-benz is for old rich people who want luxury and BMWs are for young people who want pure performance. But, mercedes-benz actually makes better performance cars than BMWs. Just look at the C63 AMG from mercedes. It will own the BMW M3. So, you can see that i would prefer a Mercedes-Benz over a BMW. I just wonder what u guys think.

Also, if u dont believe me about the C63 AMG just go to and see for yourself and/or search C63 amg at youtube and enjoy the spectacular performance!!|||In general the BMW is more sportier of the two with stiffer suspension and more aggressive styling. The Mercedes is a little bit more comfortable with less aggressive styling but by no means a cream puff in terms of performance. Both makes are made for the autobahn so handling, braking, and performance are great.

With respect to the C63 AMG leaving the M3 in the dust, that may be true but the C63 AMG costs al lot more than the M3. In terms of bang for the buck, the M3 is not too bad (for the money of a M3, I would rather get a Porsche Carrera (997)). Don't get me wrong, I love the C63 AMG but it costs a lot more.

BTW: Steve, you should check you facts about "Buying American", the Pontiac G8 is actually a re-badged Holden VE Commodore that is imported into the US from Australia. As for the Caddy, you should check to see how many parts in the car are manufactured in Canada or Mexico. This is a global community/economy we live in and all the smart companies have manufacturing capability in the countries they sell their products. Most of the Japansese, Korean, and European car companies have factories in the USA and most if not all are non union. One of the biggest problems with the US Big Three is the extremely high labor (benefit) costs of the UAW which makes them highly uncompetitive compared to everyone else. It doesn't help that they only just recently woke up from their coma and realized that they were making crappy products in the past. Finally GM and Ford are starting to produce some decent vehicles.|||NO, mercedes is not for old people .....

i believe that mercedes is much better that BMW, at one time i had both, mercedes will stay mercedes even after 20 years of continues use.

take a look around you.... you may see hundreds of MB model 90's %26amp; 80's %26amp; they are performing very good, but you will not find the same number with BMW.

mercedes is more reliable, you will find many buyers wants to by it anytime %26amp; the resale value is good while BMW is not the same %26amp; it requires many many maintenance.

GO 4 THE MERCEDES|||i agree with you but the bmw is also a good looking car and target is more young ppl but benz covers both young and Old people. but bmw is so stiff and hard to drive in my opinion|||You want cheap performance? Pontiac G8 GXP. You want luxury performance, Cadillac CTS. The best part about it? You're not destroying American jobs when you buy them. But hey, at least its not Japanese|||They are just overpriced transportation that cost an arm and a leg when it breaks. Get a Ford or Chevrolet.

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